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Blaga A, Militaru C, Mezei A-D, Tamas L.  2021.  Augmented reality integration into MES for connected workers. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 68:102057.
Tamas L, Cozma A.  2021.  Embedded real-time people detection and tracking with time-of-flight camera. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11736:117360B–1.
Natsakis T, Busoniu L.  2021.  Predicting Intention of Motion During Rehabilitation Tasks of the Upper-Extremity. 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). :6037–6040.
Feng G, Guerra TMarie, Busoniu L, Nguyen A-T, Mohammad S.  2021.  Robust observer-based tracking control under actuator constraints for power-assisted wheelchairs. Control Engineering Practice. 109:104716.
Sándor C, Pável S, Wieser E, Blaga A, Boda P, Fulop A-O, Ursache A, Zöld AZöld, Kopacz A, Lázár B et al..  2020.  The ClujUAV student competition: A corridor navigation challenge with autonomous drones. Proceedings 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC-20).
Nagy Z, Zsófia Lendek, Busoniu L.  2020.  Control and estimation for mobile sensor-target problems with distance-dependent noise. Proceedings 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). :2574–2579.
Mirkamali K, Busoniu L.  2020.  Cross Entropy Optimization of Action Modification Policies for Continuous-Valued MDPs. Proceedings 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC-20). 53:8124–8129.
Granzotto M, Postoyan R, Busoniu L, Nesic D, Daafouz J.  2020.  Finite-horizon discounted optimal control: stability and performance. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Busoniu L, Varma VS, Loheac J, Codrean A, Stefan O, Morarescu I-C, Lasaulce S.  2020.  Learning control for transmission and navigation with a mobile robot under unknown communication rates. Control Engineering Practice. 100:104460.
Marcu C, Tamas L.  2020.  Navigation of Outdoor Mobile Robots with Extended Grid Algorithms. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR). :1–6.
Nagy Z, Zsófia Lendek, Busoniu L.  2020.  Observer design for a class of nonlinear systems with nonscalar-input nonlinear consequents. IEEE Control Systems Letters. 5:971–976.
Busoniu L, Ben Rejeb J, Lal I, Morarescu C, Daafouz J.  2020.  Optimistic minimax search for noncooperative switched control with or without dwell time. Automatica. 112
Lal I, Codrean A, Busoniu L.  2020.  Sliding mode control of a ball balancing robot. IFAC World Congress.
Mezei A-D, Tamas L, Busoniu L.  2020.  Sorting Objects from a Conveyor Belt Using POMDPs with Multiple-Object Observations and Information-Gain Rewards. Sensors. 20:2481.
Morarescu IC, Varma VS, Busoniu L, Lasaulce S.  2020.  Space–time budget allocation policy design for viral marketing. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 37:100899.
Nagy Z, Zsófia Lendek, Busoniu L.  2020.  TS fuzzy observer-based controller design for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.
Granzotto M, Postoyan R, Nesic D, Busoniu L, Daafouz J.  2020.  When to stop value iteration: stability and near-optimality versus computation. Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC).
