
Export 150 results:
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Feng G, Busoniu L, Guerra T-M, Mohammad S.  2019.  Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Energy Optimization of Power-Assisted Wheelchairs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 66:97340–97344.
Lal I, Nicoara M, Codrean A, Busoniu L.  2019.  Hardware and control design of a ball balancing robot. 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems ({DDECS-19}). :1–6.
Busoniu L, Varma VS, Morărescu I-C, Lasaulce S.  2019.  Learning-based control for a communicating mobile robot under unknown rates. Proceedings 2019 Annual American Control Conference ({ACC-19}). :267–272.
Busoniu L, Daafouz J, Morarescu C.  2019.  Near-optimal control of nonlinear systems with simultaneous controlled and random switches. Proceedings 5th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences ({ICONS-19}). :268–273.
Nagy Z, Zsófia Lendek.  2019.  Observer-based controller design for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with local nonlinearities. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. :1-6.
Granzotto M, Postoyan R, Busoniu L, Nesic D, Daafouz J.  2019.  Optimistic planning for the near-optimal control of nonlinear switched discrete-time systems with stability guarantees. Proceedings 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC-19}).
Feng G, Guerra T-M, Nguyen A-T, Busoniu L, Mohammad S.  2019.  Robust Observer-Based Tracking Control Design for Power-Assisted Wheelchairs. Proceedings 5th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences ({ICONS-19}). :61–66.
Tamas L, Murar M.  2019.  Smart CPS: vertical integration overview and user story with a cobot. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 32:504–521.
Mezei A-D, Tamas L, Busoniu L.  2019.  Sorting objects from a conveyor belt using active perception with a POMDP model. 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC).
Mezei A-D, Tamas L, Busoniu L.  2019.  Sorting objects from a conveyor belt using active perception with a POMDP model. Proceedings 18th European Control Conference ({ECC-19}). :2466–2471.
Postoyan R, Granzotto M, Busoniu L, Scherrer B, Nesic D, Daafouz J.  2019.  Stability guarantees for nonlinear discrete-time systems controlled by approximate value iteration. Proceedings 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC-19}).
Laurain T, Lauber J, Zsófia Lendek, Palhares R.  2018.  Air-fuel ratio fuzzy controller handling delay: Comparison with a PI/Smith Thomas Laurain; Jimmy Lauber; Zs�fia Lendek; Reinaldo Palhares. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR). :1-6.
Blaga A, Tamas L.  2018.  Augmented Reality for Digital Manufacturing. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).
Busoniu L, Páll E, Munos R.  2018.  Continuous-action planning for discounted infinite-horizon nonlinear optimal control with Lipschitz values. Automatica. 92:100–108.
Iuga C, Dragan P, Busoniu L.  2018.  Fall monitoring and detection for at-risk persons using a UAV. Proceedings IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control (CESCIT-18). :199–204.
Fulop A-O, Tamas L.  2018.  Lessons learned from lightweight CNN based object recognition for mobile robots. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR).
Zsófia Lendek, Nagy Z, Lauber J.  2018.  Local stabilization of discrete-time TS descriptor systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 67:409-418.
Mitrea D, Tamas L.  2018.  Manufacturing Execution System Specific Data Analysis-Use Case With a Cobot. IEEE Access. 6:50245–50259.
Feng G, Guerra T-M, Mohammad S, Busoniu L.  2018.  Observer-Based Assistive Control Design Under Time-Varying Sampling for Power-Assisted Wheelchairs. Proceedings IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control (CESCIT-18). :151–156.
Mathe K, Busoniu L, Munos R, De Schutter B.  2018.  Optimistic planning with an adaptive number of action switches for near-optimal nonlinear control. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 67:355–367.
Busoniu L, de Bruin T, Tolic D, Kober J, Palunko I.  2018.  Reinforcement Learning for Control: Performance, Stability, and Deep Approximators. Annual Reviews in Control.
Feng G, Busoniu L, Guerra T-M, Mohammad S.  2018.  Reinforcement Learning for Energy Optimization Under Human Fatigue Constraints of Power-Assisted Wheelchairs. Proceedings 2018 Annual American Control Conference ({ACC-18}). :4117–4122.
Morarescu C, Varma V, Busoniu L, Lasaulce S.  2018.  Space-time budget allocation for marketing over social networks. Proceedings IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS-18). :211–216.
Granzotto M, Postoyan R, Busoniu L, Nesic D, Daafouz J.  2018.  Stability analysis of discrete-time finite-horizon discounted optimal control. Proceedings 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-18).
Laurain T., Zsófia Lendek, Lauber J., Palhares R.M.  2018.  Transforming variable transport delays into fixed ones: An application to a conveyor belt problem. In Proceedings of the 2018 Annual American Control Conference. :3969-3974.
