
Export 150 results:
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Conference Paper
Codrean A, Dragomir T-L.  2015.  Delay effect on cardiovascular regulation-a systems analysis approach. Control Conference (ECC), 2015 European. :2731–2737.
Sabau S, Morarescu C, Busoniu L, Jadbabaie A.  2017.  Decoupled-Dynamics Distributed Control for Strings of Nonlinear Autonomous Agents. Proceedings IEEE American Control Conference (ACC-17).
Mirkamali K, Busoniu L.  2020.  Cross Entropy Optimization of Action Modification Policies for Continuous-Valued MDPs. Proceedings 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC-20). 53:8124–8129.
Nagy Z, Zsófia Lendek, Busoniu L.  2020.  Control and estimation for mobile sensor-target problems with distance-dependent noise. Proceedings 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). :2574–2579.
Zsófia Lendek, Guerra T-M, Lauber J..  2012.  Construction of extended Lyapunov functions and control laws for discrete-time TS systems. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. :286–291.
Busoniu L, Morarescu C.  2013.  Consensus for Agents with General Dynamics Using Optimistic Optimization. Proceedings 52nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-13).
Boncalo O, Amaricăi A, Zsófia Lendek.  2019.  Configurable Hardware Accelerator Architecture for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller. Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. :96-101.
Marton L, Szanto Z, Vajda T, Haller P, Sandor H, Szabo T, Tamas L.  2014.  Communication delay and jitter influence on bilateral teleoperation. Control and Automation (MED), 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference of. :1171–1176.
Sándor C, Pável S, Wieser E, Blaga A, Boda P, Fulop A-O, Ursache A, Zöld AZöld, Kopacz A, Lázár B et al..  2020.  The ClujUAV student competition: A corridor navigation challenge with autonomous drones. Proceedings 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC-20).
Codrean A, Dragomir T-L.  2013.  Averaged modeling of the cardiovascular system. Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on. :2066–2071.
Blaga A, Tamas L.  2018.  Augmented Reality for Digital Manufacturing. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).
Páll E, Tamas L, Busoniu L.  2016.  Analysis and a home assistance application of online AEMS2 planning. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligence Robots and Systems (IROS-16).
Laurain T, Lauber J, Zsófia Lendek, Palhares R.  2018.  Air-fuel ratio fuzzy controller handling delay: Comparison with a PI/Smith Thomas Laurain; Jimmy Lauber; Zs�fia Lendek; Reinaldo Palhares. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR). :1-6.
Bindiganavile Nagesh S., Zsófia Lendek, Khalate A.A, Babuska R.  2012.  Adaptive fuzzy observer and robust controller for a 2-DOF robot arm. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. :149–155.
Mezei A-D, Tamas L.  2016.  Active Perception for Object Manipulation. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP). :1–6.
Book Chapter
Páll E, Tamas L, Busoniu L.  2016.  Vision-Based Quadcopter Navigation in Structured Environments. Handling Uncertainty and Structure in Robot Control. :265–290.
Tamas L, Frohlich R, Kato Z.  2014.  Relative pose estimation and fusion of omnidirectional and lidar cameras. Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops. :640–651.
Kato Z, Tamas L.  2015.  Relative Pose Estimation and Fusion of 2D Spectral and 3D Lidar Images. Computational Color Imaging. LNCS:33–42.
Estrada-Manzo V., Zsófia Lendek, Guerra T-M.  2016.  Observer Design for Robotic Systems via Takagi-Sugeno Models and Linear Matrix Inequalities. Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control.
Zsófia Lendek, Raica P., Lauber J., Guerra T-M.  2015.  Observer design for discrete-time switching nonlinear models. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 457:27–58.
Frohlich R, Tamas L, Kato Z.  2016.  Homography Estimation between Omnidirectional Cameras without Point Correspondences. Handling Uncertainty and Structure in Robot Control.
Bragagnolo M-C, Morarescu C, Busoniu L, Riedinger P.  2016.  Decentralized Formation Control in Fleets of Nonholonomic Robots with a Clustered Pattern. Handling Uncertainty and Structure in Robot Control. :313–333.
Boochs F, Bentkowska-Kafel A, Degrigny C, Karaszewski M, Karmacharya A, Kato Z, Picollo M, Sitnik R, Trémeau A, Tsiafaki D et al..  2014.  Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage: Key Questions in 3D Optical Documentation of Material Culture for Conservation, Study and Preservation. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. :11–24.
Colson A, Tamas L.  2017.  Bremen Cog: Three Recording Techniques for One Object. Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage.
Busoniu L, Tamas L.  2016.  Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control.
